Defines default container with padding and margin.
Full-width container without fixed size.
Container for extra-large screens, max-width 1320px.
Container for large screens, max-width 1140px.
Container for medium-large screens, max-width 960px.
Container for medium screens, max-width 720px.
Container for small screens, max-width 540px.
Row layout with gutter spacing and wrapping.
Flexible column with 100% width.
Column with automatic width.
Columns with specific widths (from 8.33% to 100%).
Columns for small screens with specific widths.
Columns for medium screens with specific widths.
Columns for large screens with specific widths.
Columns for extra-large screens with specific widths.
Columns for extra-extra-large screens with specific widths.
Displays element inline.
Displays element as inline-block.
Displays element as block.
Displays element as grid.
Displays element as inline-grid.
Displays element as a table.
Displays element as a table row.
Displays element as a table cell.
Displays element as a flex container.
Displays element as inline flex container.
Hides element (display: none).
Makes flex item fill available space.
Flex container with horizontal row direction.
Flex container with vertical column direction.
Flex container with reversed horizontal direction.
Enables wrapping for flex items.
Prevents wrapping of flex items.
Reverses the wrapping direction of flex items.
Margin utility classes (from 0 to 3rem).
Centers element with auto margin.
Horizontal margin utility (left and right).
Vertical margin utility (top and bottom).
Margin-top utility (0 to 3rem).
Margin-right utility (0 to 3rem).
Margin-bottom utility (0 to 3rem).
Margin-left utility (0 to 3rem).
Padding utility classes (from 0 to 3rem).
Horizontal padding utility (left and right).
Vertical padding utility (top and bottom).
Padding-top utility (0 to 3rem).
Padding-right utility (0 to 3rem).
Class Name
h1, .dda-h1
Font size and weight for h1 headers
h2, .dda-h2
Font size and weight for h2 headers
h3, .dda-h3
Font size and weight for h3 headers
h4, .dda-h4
Font size and weight for h4 headers
h5, .dda-h5
Font size and weight for h5 headers
h6, .dda-h6
Font size and weight for h6 headers
Font size and weight for titles
Font size and weight for body text
Font size and weight for captions
Font size and weight for labels
a, a:hover
Removes underline from links and defines hover style
Applies pointer cursor to buttons
Removes list styling (bullets and padding)
Primary background color
Secondary background color
Applies black text color
Small border radius
Medium border radius
Large border radius
Circular border radius
4rem gap between flex items
3rem gap between flex items
2.5rem gap between flex items
2rem gap between flex items
1.5rem gap between flex items
1.25rem gap between flex items
1rem gap between flex items
0.75rem gap between flex items
0.5rem gap between flex items
0.375rem gap between flex items
Placeholder text color for Internet Explorer
Placeholder text color for other browsers
Flex container display
Flex direction set to column
Inline flex container display
Centers items along the cross-axis
Distributes items with space between them
Centers items along the main axis
Removes margin from element
Removes padding from element
Removes vertical padding from element
Adds a right border to the element
Hides element visually but keeps it accessible
Last updated