Last updated
Last updated
Note: Figma does not currently support automatic library updates to external teams.
For access to the Figma file, please contact us at
After downloading the library, you must then upload the .fig file into your team's projects. To do this, open Figma (in-app or browser) and drag the file into the Figma window. Alternatively, you may click on the "Import File" button and select the correct file from your local directory. Once imported, you should publish the library within your team.
Due to the above-noted limitation of Figma, updates to the library must be manually accomplished. Please routinely check this page for future updates to the UI Library. Additionally, we will notify you of any updates to the library.
To update your library, repeat steps 1 & 2 with the latest version of the library. Once the updated version is added to your team, use the swap libraries feature in Figma, which will allow you to replace the old library with the latest one without disconnecting any instances of the library you may have used in your designs.
For DubaiAI design guidelines and the logo, please refer back to the Figma file.
URLs for DubaiAI Chatbot Landing Page:
Entities can use the following URLs to access the DubaiAI chatbot landing page. Each entity should append their unique code at the end of the URL to direct users to their specific landing pages:
English (EN): [entity code]
Arabic (AR): [entity code]
For example, for MBRHE, the URLs would be:
English (EN):
Arabic (AR):
Entities should replace "[entity code]" in the URLs with their specific identifier. If you don't know what your identifier is, please refer back to the Excel sheet attached to ensure users are directed to the appropriate landing page within the DubaiAI chatbot platform.
Happiness Meter Web Widget Integration and Development Guide : A document that outlines and explains the required development activities for departments to integrate with the Happiness Meter on the web.
Happiness Meter .Net Sample Web Guide: Example implementation of the happiness widget on the web using .Net language.
Happiness Meter Java Sample Web Guide: Example implementation of the happiness widget on the web using Java language.
Happiness Web Test Cases Guide: A list of test cases that departments need to execute and share with Digital Dubai Government Establishment to certify the web implementation.
Happiness Meter Inquiry Service Specification Guide: A document describing the “Happiness Index Vote Inquiry” Web Service specification, designed to enable departments to inquire about the votes.
Happiness Meter Mobile App Integration and Development Guide: A document that describes and explains the necessary development activities for departments to integrate with the Happiness Meter on mobile apps.
Happiness Meter iOS Sample App Guide: Example iOS application of happiness widget on Mobile in iOS language.
Happiness Meter Android Sample App Guide: Sample Android application of happiness widget on mobile in Android language.
Happiness Mobile Test Cases Guide: A list of test cases that departments need to execute and share with Digital Dubai Government to certify the implementation on mobile apps.
New Service Centers Request Form Guide: A form to be filled out with the service center details where the Happiness Meter will be implemented.
Happiness Meter iOS Tablet Sample App Guide: Example iOS application of the happiness widget on tablets using iOS language.
Happiness Meter Android Tablet Sample App Guide: Sample Android application of happiness widget on Tablets in Android language.